Five publications under the headings “Library” and “History”

New published materials are added to the headings “Library” and “History” of the site “Ivan Mazepa name”. These are “Mazepa and Petro Ivanenko (Petryk) uprising” and “Verses by N. Poplons’kyi 1691” by Olexandr Ohloblyn, “Battles near Lisny and Poltava according to the diary of the Swedish lieutenant F. von Veillet” by Veniamin Kordt and the novel in verses “Mazepa’s confession” by Andryi Gudyma. Крім того, у підрозділі «Біографія Мазепи» з’явилася стаття Ольги Ковалевської «Ivan Mazepa married widow».

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