

Leonid Poltava — Endless battle (Poem)
Leonid Poltava — One thousand seven hundred nine. Historical novel on the times of the hetman Ivan Mazepa
Andriy Gudyma — Mazepa’s confession — Mazepa (poem)


Olga Kovalevska — Mazepiana: materials to the bibliography (1688–2009) — Major scientific researches, sources and documents about Ivan Mazepa and his age

Collected articles — “Ivan Mazepa and his age: history, culture, national memory” (15–17 October 2008, Kyiv – Poltava).
Group of authors — Hetman Ivan Mazepa: personality, milieu, age

Document publications — First Constitution of Ukraine by the hetman Pylyp Orlyk (1710)

Mazepa themes in historiography

V. Vytvyts'kyi — “Mazepa” by Carl Loewe
Dzyuba O. — Did the hetman Ivan Mazepa write the letters to Motrya Kochubeyivna?
Olexandr Ohloblyn — Poems of N. Poplons’kyi, 1691
Olga Kovalevska — Materials of М. Kostomarov in V. Tarnovs’kyi Chernigiv Historical Museum funds

Monographs and popular-science publications — Summary of Archaeological and Historical Research of Baturyn in 2021 — UNIQUE ARMORIAL BEARINGS OF MAZEPA DISCOVERED IN BATURYN — EXCAVATIONS AT BATURYN IN 2020 AND STOVE TILES’ RECONSTRUCTIONS, 17th-18th c. — Archaeological Research of Baturyn in 2020 — BATURYN EXCAVATIONS IN 2019 AND RECONSTRUCTIONS OF MAZEPA’S COAT OF ARMS — Excavations at Baturyn, Ukraine, in 2019. — Excavations at Baturyn in 2016-2017 ceramic adornments of hetman architecture — Excavations at Baturyn in 2016
B. Krupnyts'kyi — Theophan Prokopovich and the Swedes (Information essay)
Oleg Malchenko — Gun art foundry in Hetmanship at the times of Ivan Mazepa governance
Olga Kovalevska — Ivan Mazepa in questions and answers
T. Tairova-Yakovleva — Мазепа — фрагмент праці, російською мовою
Serhiy Pavlenko — Іван Мазепа як будівничий української культури
Olexandr Ohloblyn — Hetman Ivan Mazepa and his age

Social and political essays

Volodymyr Panchenko — Test by Ivan Mazepa
Vyacheslav Stanislavsky — Hetman Ivan Mazepa as the reformer of the Cossacks’ State
Vyacheslav Stanislavsky — Hetman Ivan Mazepa in a struggle for the Right-Bank Ukraine
Vyacheslav Stanislavsky — Relations of Ivan Mazepa with Walachia and Moldova authorities (according to the unpublished letters of the hetman dated 1691–1700)
Olga Kovalevska — Magic circle of Poltava anniversaries (in occasion of 300-years of Poltava battle) — Governmental celebration of 370-years birthday anniversary of the hetman Ivan Mazepa on March 20, 2009 — Visual image of Ivan Mazepa: new approaches to the search of the authentic images — Ivan Mazepa image reconstruction
Olga Kovalevska — Doomed to eternal curse: Fate of “Mazepa” image on the theatre stage
Olga Kovalevska — Story about truth and lies. About history of the church anathema against Ivan Mazepa
Oleh Bezverhnyj — On the way of understanding: Poltava battle as seen by the Swedish experts
Kyrylo Halushko — “Celebration” or “commemoration”, or How long Poltava battle will last for Ukrainians?
Volodymyr Panchenko — To celebrate — or “to get caught in”?
Olga Kovalevska — This right belongs to us. Who will decide the fate of the monument to the hetman Ivan Mazepa?
Serhiy Pavlenko — Did І. Mazepa betray Charles (Karl) ХІІ?
Serhiy Pavlenko — Organization of impeachment to Mazepa in 1707
Serhiy Pavlenko — Secret mission of Solomon, Mazepa’s agent, (1689–1690) to Warsaw with assistance request
Serhiy Pavlenko — For each date — 10 thousand tchervonets?
Taras Chuhlib — Hetman Ivan Mazepa — unifier of Ukraine
Taras Chuhlib — First years of Ivan Mazepa hetmanship
Taras Chuhlib — Career of Cossack Mazepa
Vyacheslav Stanislavsky — Hetman Ivan Mazepa and Zaporizhian Sich: from misunderstanding to the union
Vyacheslav Stanislavsky — Hetman Ivan Mazepa — hero of Ukraine
Olha Honchar — History of Mykola Kostomarov monograph “Mazepa” (based on epistolary sources)
Natalya Tsikra — About Mazepa in Vienna


Olga Kovalevska — Mazepiana: materials to the bibliography (1688–2009) — Major scientific researches, sources and documents about Ivan Mazepa and his age

Collected articles — “Ivan Mazepa and his age: history, culture, national memory” (15–17 October 2008, Kyiv – Poltava).
Group of authors — Hetman Ivan Mazepa: personality, milieu, age

Mazepa themes in historiography

V. Vytvyts'kyi — “Mazepa” by Carl Loewe
Dzyuba O. — Did the hetman Ivan Mazepa write the letters to Motrya Kochubeyivna?
Olexandr Ohloblyn — Poems of N. Poplons’kyi, 1691
Olga Kovalevska — Materials of М. Kostomarov in V. Tarnovs’kyi Chernigiv Historical Museum funds

Monographs and popular-science publications — Summary of Archaeological and Historical Research of Baturyn in 2021 — UNIQUE ARMORIAL BEARINGS OF MAZEPA DISCOVERED IN BATURYN — EXCAVATIONS AT BATURYN IN 2020 AND STOVE TILES’ RECONSTRUCTIONS, 17th-18th c. — Archaeological Research of Baturyn in 2020 — BATURYN EXCAVATIONS IN 2019 AND RECONSTRUCTIONS OF MAZEPA’S COAT OF ARMS — Excavations at Baturyn, Ukraine, in 2019. — Excavations at Baturyn in 2016-2017 ceramic adornments of hetman architecture — Excavations at Baturyn in 2016
B. Krupnyts'kyi — Theophan Prokopovich and the Swedes (Information essay)
Oleg Malchenko — Gun art foundry in Hetmanship at the times of Ivan Mazepa governance
Olga Kovalevska — Ivan Mazepa in questions and answers
T. Tairova-Yakovleva — Мазепа — фрагмент праці, російською мовою
Serhiy Pavlenko — Іван Мазепа як будівничий української культури
Olexandr Ohloblyn — Hetman Ivan Mazepa and his age

Document publications — First Constitution of Ukraine by the hetman Pylyp Orlyk (1710)

Social and political essays

Volodymyr Panchenko — Test by Ivan Mazepa
Vyacheslav Stanislavsky — Hetman Ivan Mazepa as the reformer of the Cossacks’ State
Vyacheslav Stanislavsky — Hetman Ivan Mazepa in a struggle for the Right-Bank Ukraine
Vyacheslav Stanislavsky — Relations of Ivan Mazepa with Walachia and Moldova authorities (according to the unpublished letters of the hetman dated 1691–1700)
Olga Kovalevska — Magic circle of Poltava anniversaries (in occasion of 300-years of Poltava battle) — Governmental celebration of 370-years birthday anniversary of the hetman Ivan Mazepa on March 20, 2009 — Visual image of Ivan Mazepa: new approaches to the search of the authentic images — Ivan Mazepa image reconstruction
Olga Kovalevska — Doomed to eternal curse: Fate of “Mazepa” image on the theatre stage
Olga Kovalevska — Story about truth and lies. About history of the church anathema against Ivan Mazepa
Oleh Bezverhnyj — On the way of understanding: Poltava battle as seen by the Swedish experts
Kyrylo Halushko — “Celebration” or “commemoration”, or How long Poltava battle will last for Ukrainians?
Volodymyr Panchenko — To celebrate — or “to get caught in”?
Olga Kovalevska — This right belongs to us. Who will decide the fate of the monument to the hetman Ivan Mazepa?
Serhiy Pavlenko — Did І. Mazepa betray Charles (Karl) ХІІ?
Serhiy Pavlenko — Organization of impeachment to Mazepa in 1707
Serhiy Pavlenko — Secret mission of Solomon, Mazepa’s agent, (1689–1690) to Warsaw with assistance request
Serhiy Pavlenko — For each date — 10 thousand tchervonets?
Taras Chuhlib — Hetman Ivan Mazepa — unifier of Ukraine
Taras Chuhlib — First years of Ivan Mazepa hetmanship
Taras Chuhlib — Career of Cossack Mazepa
Vyacheslav Stanislavsky — Hetman Ivan Mazepa and Zaporizhian Sich: from misunderstanding to the union
Vyacheslav Stanislavsky — Hetman Ivan Mazepa — hero of Ukraine
Olha Honchar — History of Mykola Kostomarov monograph “Mazepa” (based on epistolary sources)
Natalya Tsikra — About Mazepa in Vienna


Leonid Poltava — Endless battle (Poem)
Leonid Poltava — One thousand seven hundred nine. Historical novel on the times of the hetman Ivan Mazepa
Andriy Gudyma — Mazepa’s confession — Mazepa (poem)

Latest topics in "History"

Olga Kovalevska

Magic circle of Poltava anniversaries (in occasion of 300-years of Poltava battle)

Magic circle of Poltava anniversaries

Magic circle of Poltava anniversaries” in “pdf-scan” format. This document is published under gracious consent of the author and the publishing house.

Governmental celebration of 370-years birthday anniversary of the hetman Ivan Mazepa on March 20, 2009

This year for the first time in Ukraine the birthday anniversary of the hetman Ivan Mazepa was celebrated on the national level. The governmental solemnities in which the President of Ukraine V. Yushchenko took part comprised several major events: requiems on the native land of the hetman, opening of the commemorative stone at former site of the Saint-Michael military cathedral built under funding by I. Mazepa.

Зранку 20 березня 2009 року Святійший Патріарх Київський і всієї Руси-України Філарет відслужив панахиду за  спочилим гетьманом на його батьківщині в Свято-Миколаївському храмі, що знаходиться у селі Мазепинці Білоцерківського району Київської області. Його Святості співслужили вікарій Київської єпархії митрополит Переяслав-Хмельницький Димитрій, благочинний Білоцерківського району прот. Миколай Пауков, благочинний Фастівського району прот. Миколай Данилів, благочинний Сквирського району о. Миколай Гопайнич, настоятель храму о. Андрій Банах та духовенство Київської єпархії.

На богослужінні був присутній Президент України Віктор Ющенко, а також голова Київської обласної держадміністрації В. Ульянченко, міністр культури і туризму В. Вовкун, міністр оборони Ю. Єхануров, міністр у справах сім’ї, молоді та спорту Ю. Павленко, народні депутати, представники місцевої влади, козацьких організацій.

(Фотоматеріали з офіційного сайту Української Православної Церкви Київського Патріархату)


Olga Kovalevska

Ivan Mazepa in questions and answers

Ivan Mazepa in questions and answers

The reader will find in this book short but exhaustive answers to principal questions concerning the figure of Ivan Mazepa, the Ukrainian hetman in 1687-1709, he will learn about interesting historic facts, historical and cultural monuments connected to him, about literature, painting and music in which his image is reproduced.

In order to understand the material better, the chronology of I. Mazepa life and activity is proposed, the lists of basic and additional reference literature are added which will permit to familiarize in more detail with this outstanding person in the Ukrainian history.

The edition is designed for school children, students, teachers and everyone who is interested in history of Ukraine.

“Ivan Mazepa and his age: history, culture, national memory” (15–17 October 2008, Kyiv – Poltava).

Іван Мазепа та його доба: історія, культура, національна пам’ять

In the world culture of ХVІІІ – ХХ centuries you will not find so many historical figures as popular as the Ukrainian hetman Ivan Mazepa. The literature, music, painting, drama theatre and later on the cinema – these are Muses who “took care” about Mazepa! His Odyssey as unique romantic hero started as if Voltaire has lightly waved his hand who in the “History of Charles ХІІ” built-up an exciting plot about the lover bind by the rival to the wild horse riding in the steppe. Then this love adventure (sure, sensibly romanced with poetic imagination) has revived in poems of George Byron and Juliusz Słowacki. And for this once Victor Hugo wrote not about the adventures of the passionate lover, but about Mazepa hetman, Cossack-kharakternyk who leaves Ukraine after lost battle together with Swedish King. Then novels, paintings, operas etc. appeared.

Olga Kovalevska

Mazepiana: materials to the bibliography (1688–2009)

Mazepiana: materials to the bibliography (1688–2009)

The index familiarize the reader with a large number of the published sources, scientific, popular scientific, encyclopaedic literature and the fiction dedicated to the figure of Ivan Mazepa and the period of his hetmanship (1687-1709), which have been printed during second half of XVII – beginning of ХХІ centuries in Ukraine and foreign countries. Також вибірково представлено інтернет-ресурси, які містять змістовну інформацію про біографію І. С. Мазепи, подають історіографічні оцінки його діяльності, містять відомості про українську та світову мазепіану. У виданні відображено матеріали українською, російською, польською, англійською, французькою, німецькою, румунською та іншими мовами.
Для науковців, викладачів, аспірантів, студентів.

«Мазепіана: матеріали до бібліографії (1688–2009)» у форматі pdf. Документ розміщено із люб’язної згоди автора та видавництва.

Visual image of Ivan Mazepa: new approaches to the search of the authentic images

Contributed by Olga Kovalevska

Portraits attributed to Mazepa

Norblin de la Gourdaine. J.P. MAZEPA. . 1775.
Paper. Acquaforte. 10,0×9,4
Caption under engraving: “Mazepa aetatis 70″
Collection of the Pavlikovs’kyi family (V. Stefanyk National Scientific Library, Lviv) P.8499.; National museum in Krakow; ІІІ – 13945

“Pidhirtsi type” of the portraits
The basis of this series of depictions became the portrait made by the unknown artist at the end of XVII – in the first half of XVIII centuries (Drawing 1). The portrait from the Drawing 1 was kept in Pidhirtsi castle (zamek w Podhorcach) till 1939. Today the painting from the Drawing 1 is lost.

Ivan Mazepa image reconstruction

This material is contributed by Olga Kovalevska and published in the “Ukrainian Historical Journal”
The original of the article in pdf format can be downloaded here.
The article is published under gracious consent of the author and the editorial house of the journal.

The searches by Ukrainian historians and art historians of the authentic depictions of Ivan Mazepa are in progress for more than two centuries. The significant research work conducted by such noted scientists as O. Lazarevsky, M. Hrushevsky, F. Umanets, B. Barvynsky, І. Borshchak, B. Krupnytsky, V. Sichynsky, Т. Matskiv and others. Значна пошукова робота дозволила сформувати перелік вірогідних портретів І. Мазепи, створених протягом кінця XVII — в першій половині XVIII ст. Серед них найбільш відомими були портрет з Успенського собору Києво-Печерської Лаври, портрет з літопису С. Величка, портрети з родини Бутовичів, портрет роботи І. Нікітіна з Петербурзької Академії мистецтв (так званий портрет «Напольного гетьмана малороссийских войск»), портрет з Державного історичного музею у Москві, гравірований портрет роботи Яна (Жана) Пьотра (Пьєра) Норбліна де ля Гурдена, портрет з картиної галереї замку Гріпсгольм (Швеція), зображення на гравюрах, виконаних українськими майстрами І. Мігурою та Д. Галяховським, гравірований портрет роботи М. Бернігеротга та пізніші копії, виконані гравером Д. Бейлєм за малюнком С. Фальки, портрет з замку у Підгір’цях.
